Essay. Words4 Pages. Torture is the process of inflicting pain upon other people in order to force them to say something against their own will. The word “torture” comes from the Latin word “torquere,” which means to twist. Torture can not only be psychologically but mentally painful Jul 03, · One of the central pillars of the court process in the common law system of justice is built on the bedrock assumption that coercive interrogation works. All people in common law countries must give evidence in court when subpoenaed to do so. We will write a custom Essay on Torture specifically for you for only $ $11/page Dec 03, · In connection to this, some people raise questions about the expediency of using the death penalty or torture as a punishment for severe crimes. And while capital punishment is a norm in a number of American states (as well as in countries around the world), the propriety of tortures is a much more debated question. A persuasive essay is a /5
Torture Essays: Examples, Topics, Titles, & Outlines
Torture has been a tool of coercion for nearly all of human history, whether to instill fear in a population or force people to convert, but almost all contemporary attempts to justify the use of torture revolve around essay on torture as a means of extracting information from a victim.
Used in this context, torture has a number of prominent advocates, despite the fact that ample historical and experimental evidence essay on torture that torture is a particularly ineffective way of extracting information Cole,p. Despite its inefficacy, torture was a central element of the United States' response to the terrorist attack of September 11th, essay on torture,and its supporters frequently invoked the image of a high-value target refusing to provide time-sensitive information.
egardless of these dramatic scenarios or even the question of torture's efficacy, it is possible to definitively demonstrate that torture is not acceptable under theories of ontological, deontological, utilitarian, or…. References Angell, J. Essay on torture, torture, and marginal memoranda at the DOJ office of legal counsel.
The Georgetown Journal of Legal Ethics, 18 3 Annas, G. Unspeakably cruel - torture, medical ethics, and the law. The New England Journal. Torture Debate Torture Is Unacceptable Under No Circumstances Argument: torture is unacceptable essay on torture it is counterproductive Argument: torture is unacceptable because it is illegal Argument: torture is unacceptable because it is immoral Is Torture Ever Acceptable in Any ay?
Although torture has existed as long as human history, liberal democracies in the last two centuries began to argue against the use of torture in all occasions because they began to see torture as a barbaric practice and morally repugnant. Nevertheless, even liberal democracies have often resorted to torture in practice, especially in times of war. Although as a matter of policy, most democracies have banned torture and have signed international conventions against the practice of torture and cruel punishments, periodic wars and crises force some policy-makers to question the wisdom of banning all kinds of torture.
Thus, following the horrific attack essay on torture the United States on September 11,members…. Works Cited Alvarez, essay on torture, Jose E. Academic Search Premier. Applebaum, Anne. Banbury, Jen. Blumenfeld, Laura. Torture The use of non-lethal torture in interrogating possible criminals has always been an area of debate. It wasn't hot topic when the terrorist activities were kept at a down low in the nineties.
However, following nine eleven and the surge of terrorists, it became necessary to be aware of the activities they were up to, essay on torture. The major debate lies in the fact that whether a known terrorist should be subjected to non-lethal torture in order to attain information from him. There are questions whether these procedures should be mad into a law and the problems that would surface if it did. The major conclusion is that non-lethal torture would be deemed fit essay on torture a case when the person is a known terrorist and is expected to cause chaos and damage.
Even through torture is morally wrong, in some cases it might go onto save thousands of people from dying. References Dershowitz, A. Should the Ticking Bomb Terrorist be tortured? In: Katherine, M. et al. Civil liberties vs. Amherst, N, essay on torture. Y: Prometheus Books, pp. pg Drogin, B, essay on torture. And Miller, G. Spy Agencies facing questions of tactics. Los Angeles Times, October Langbein, J. Torture and the law of proof: Europe and England in the essay on torture re-gime.
Chicago: University of Chicago Press. Torture and the Ticking Time-omb The Definition of Torture Inthe United Nations General Assembly produced an advisory measure known as the United Nations Convention Against Torture, essay on torture. This document specifically addressed torture from the perspective of governments and states, while it also focuses on the use of torture by any individual acting in an official capacity for said state or government.
The document also addressed other forms of 'cruel and inhumane treatment'. The definition of torture specifically…. Bibliography Dershowitz, A. Fourth road, essay on torture. Chapter 15 pp. Allhoff, F. pdf Dershowitz, A. Tortured Reasoning. However, in truth, such incidences are rare and hence based on this pretext there is every danger that torture might become an administrative practice.
There is every possibility that torture might become a systemic abuse tool. Thus only if morally permissible conditions prevail can torture be pursued. Another popular essay on torture is that bringing torture under a legal prism would make it a more effective tool as officials would essay on torture recourse to torture if the case seems really justified.
If torture is accountable, then it becomes more justified. Bibliography 1 Henry Shue, 'Torture', Essay on torture and Public Affairs, Vol 7, no 2, Winter, -- 2 Kenneth Roth, 'Getting Away with Torture', Global Governance 11 3 Sanford Levinson, 'The Debate on Torture', essay on torture, Dissent Summer These logistical problems are only one source of error in Levin's argument, however.
The idea of establishing guilt with certainty before using torture fits the utilitarian ethic; it ensures that any reduction in happiness or good to the terrorist essay on torture more than compensated for by the increased happiness in the terrorist's would-be victims. The other part of Levin's argument, that torture should only be used as a preventative and not a punitive measure, also fits into utilitarianism. Punishment and confession to past acts does not create nearly enough happiness or good to make up for the pain caused by torture.
But these two conditions for the use of torture -- that it is practiced with complete certainty of guilt and that it is solely preventative -- cannot logically coexist. In order for guilt of a terrorist to be certain, the act of evil has to have already been committed, which…. The dilemma lies herein: neither of the two approaches is entirely wrong.
The former, seemingly more humane, also seems impractical considering the fact that the overall dangers that hover the world today in the form of weaponry available and tactics designed are far advanced and devastating than anything else that has been witnessed in history. Its impracticality lies in its overlooking the gravity of an attack and in how torture at the right time and towards the right link could prove to be the difference between mass destruction and liberty.
The fact is that this idea cannot stand firm for long in the face of the dangers and perils that can be caused today. The latter approach, seemingly harsh, also seems ignorant of the fact that terrorism or war is not restricted to any race, religion or nation, essay on torture. Since the beginning of time, every nation has looked for supremacy in….
References: Corrado, Raymond R. State Torture in the Contemporary World. International Journal of Comparative Sociology. Volume: Krauthammer, Charles. The Weekly Standard. McCain, John. Torture's Terrible Toll. Torture. The Spanish Inquisition, on the other hand, was meant to discourage heresy, but in the end was simply the murder of many innocent people.
During Medieval times, torture was used as a form of public punishment and, most dreadfully, as not only a deterrent, but also as entertainment. Torture is absolutely immoral. No conditions or circumstances would ever justify such terrible actions towards a person's fellow human beings. No crime or offense merits the terror, pain and humiliation inflicted upon a human being. No purpose is high or important enough to justify such actions.
Along with the rest of the civilized world, I most strongly condemn this form of punishment. While the focus here is torture today, I am particularly horrified by the concept of torture as entertainment. It is the deliberate infliction of severe and unbearable pain upon another human being for the entertainment of others. It cannot…. Sung accomplishes the refutation by the simple means of refusing to allow Dershowitz to stand on his assumptions of what permits so radical a circumstance.
For example, Sung directly addresses Dershowitz's claim that terrorists are not implicitly owed protection of human dignity rights by virtue of their activities. Dershowitz does make a compelling argument for this but, as Sung points out, he is not actually enabled to take such a position because the Fifth and Fourteenth Amendments have already made that decision Sung Due process is built into the law to protect all, and deliberately so; Sung implies, in fact, that the protections are likely in place to avert just such extreme eventualities.
Then, Sung challenges the use of judicial warrants as an inherently contrary action, aside from the fundamental illegality.
To legally warrant torture is, in Sung's view, to "legitimize" the practice, and this is clearly a catastrophic…. Works Cited Sung, C. Dershowitz, A. Even for the crime of murder without torturethe infliction of many tortures are worse than the crime. The moral justification for executing a murderer is much more obvious than the infliction of essay on torture punishment that is even worse from the perspective of the murder.
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Dec 03, · In connection to this, some people raise questions about the expediency of using the death penalty or torture as a punishment for severe crimes. And while capital punishment is a norm in a number of American states (as well as in countries around the world), the propriety of tortures is a much more debated question. A persuasive essay is a /5 Dec 16, · This essay has addressed main arguments for the support of torture. There is no doubt that torture is barbaric. It is not a successful means of obtaining information or saving lives. Torture should not be considered in any situation to obtain information. Torture is cruel, inhumane, degrading, and blogger.comted Reading Time: 6 mins An Argument on Torture Dictionary. com defines torture as “the act of inflicting excruciating pain, as punishment or revenge, as a means of getting a confession or information, or for sheer cruelty. ” A second definition at dictionary. com states torture
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