· Importance of National Integration Essay Conclusion. National integration is an influential agenda and plays a vital role in the development of a nation. There is a more substantial need for the same, and the Government also make several attempts to promote the sense of equality and national integration among all the citizens. The article contains essays on the importance of national Mahatma Gandhi Essay. Causes of National Integration: 1. Casteism: This is a major obstacle to national integration. There is a great difference in the population of different religions and castes in India. Followers of the appropriate caste or religion consider themselves superior to those who believe in other religions or castes. These biases are so ugly and narrow that · National Integration in India Essay | Paragraph | PDF. December 24, by Study Mentor Leave a Comment. National integration is meaning the togetherness of people of country irrespective of the differences of religion, race, region, caste and culture. India is a country in which one can find multi races and multilingual people. Diversity is the feature of India. But the culture of India
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National integration is a feeling of oneness and togetherness by the citizens of a nation, essay on national integration. It is very important for the citizens to live in harmony and for the progress of the nation. Father of the nation Mahatma Gandhi had also stressed on national integration as he knew its importance in fighting with the Britishers. There is an urgent need to raise national integration in the best interest of the nation and its people. National integration is essay on national integration way to make people aware about the power of unity among people living in a country.
It makes people aware about the necessity of Rastriya Ekta by bringing equality among people of different culture, essay on national integration, race, cast and religion.
We have provided essay on national integration in various words limit for your lovely kids and school going children. Let them know about national integration in very simple words and sentences.
Let your children be smart enough in the class by helping him to learn such simple national integration essay. National integration is also known as Rastriya Ekta and National integration day as Essay on national integration Ekta Diwas.
It is a positive aspect to reduce the differences of socio-cultural and economic as well as inequalities among people of the country. It promotes to strengthen the unity among people of any group, essay on national integration, society, community and whole country to bring national unity a day. It is not a force by any authority however it is a request from people to make our country a developed country.
It is possible only through the unity and harmony of the people. They should share their ideas, values and other issues to enhance their emotional bonds. People must feel and live the unity within diversity and make our national identity a supreme power.
National integration is of great importance in India to enhance the individual level development in this country and make it a strong country. In order to make people aware of it completely, essay on national integration, it is celebrated as an event every year on 19 th of November birthday anniversary of first woman Indian prime minister, Indira Gandhi as National Integration Day means Rastriya Ekta Diwas and National Integration Week means Quami Ekta Week from 19 th of November to 25 th of November.
The real meaning of the integration is combination of various parts to make it one, essay on national integration. India is a country where people from various regions, religions, culture, tradition, race, cast, colour, and creed are living together. So, people integration is must in India to make a national integration. If people from different religions and culture live together by uniting, there will be no any social or developmental problems.
It is known as unity in diversity in India however it is not true but we youth of the country have to essay on national integration it possible. In India National Integration Day is observed as a most important social event every year on 19 th of November.
For more awareness among public about the national integration, a whole week programme has also been implemented by the government of India to observe annually as National Integration Week from 19 th to 25 th November.
India is a country famous for its different cultures, traditions, races, religions, essay on national integration, castes and creeds but it cannot be unseen that it is still comes under the developing countries because of the diversity in the thinking of people living here.
People living here think differently according to their own culture and religion which is a big issue of hindering the individual and country development. India is famous for its unity in diversity but it is not true as people here are not ready to accept others opinion for development. Everyone always try here that his religion is best than others and what he does is always great.
People from different races living here are fighting physically, emotionally, arguing, debating in many ways to prove them best only for their own benefits.
They never think by getting together about their country, essay on national integration. They never think that the development of our country is possible only with growth and development of individual and single identity of everyone. It is one and only way to remove inequality and other social issues like diversities, racial discriminations, etc in the society as well as strengthen the solidarity and unity.
India is a multi-caste and multi-lingual country where people from different castes live and speak different languages. They follow their own customs and traditions according to the religion they belong. In India there is not only a diversity among people of religions, castes, essay on national integration, creeds, colours and cultures but there is also a diversity of thinking which is a big issue of improper development in India.
There is a high degree of disintegration exists among Indian people which make a bad present scenario here with communal and other problems. Because of the disintegration in India, essay on national integration, we have faced lots of social problems like partition in India indestruction of Babri Masjid inriots between people of Muslim and Hindu religions, essay on national integration.
Barrier of untouchabilitybarrier of language, status barrier and other social barriers are pulling us back. Various rules and regulations have been planned and implemented by the government of India to bring artificial unity in diversity however it is essay on national integration human mind which can bring natural unity in diversity among people.
All the social issues arising here is because of the lack of national integration. We all should understand the need and requirement, real meaning and purpose of this national integration. We should live and think equally as well as follow all the rules and regulations by the Indian government for the ultimate development of our country. India is a land where contrast people with essay on national integration unique culture and diverse facets of lifestyle are living.
Obviously, it is quite clear that we need to understand the meaning of national integration in our lives and follow everything to give a single identity of our country. People in India belong to different castes, races, religions, communities and cultural groups and lived together for years.
Diversity of religions, castes and creeds has enriched the cultural heritage of the India which arisen here a composite culture however it is very clear that India has always lacked political unity. Indian has attained only once a political unity in the history in when Britishers were forced to go from here. They had followed various types of planned policies to divide and rule here however finally they became unsuccessful.
Some of the essay on national integration like cultural unity, defensive continuity, constitution, art, literature, essay on national integration, common economic problems, national flagnational festivals, national anthem and national emblem are promoting the National Integration in India.
Instead of being from different religions and cases we should recognize that all are one in order to build a strong and prosperous nation. We need to understand the real meaning of the unity in diversity in India. It never means kind of oneness should be here because of racial and cultural similarity, it means that oneness instead of great differences here.
India is counted as the country having second largest population all over the world, where more than one essay on national integration six hundred fifty-two languages are spoken and people from all major religions of the world are living here together. In spite of all differences we should co-exist here with each other peacefully without any political or social conflicts.
We should enjoy the unity in this great country where everything is diverse to fulfil the purpose of national integration. Britishers followed many years the policy of Divide and Rule in India in order to continue their ruling power over India. However the unity of Indian people from different races, religions and castes makes possible to run away the Britishers. However, essay on national integration, after independence disintegration took place which divided India into Bharat and Pakistan.
Indian is a land of various religious communities like Hindus, Sikhs, Muslims, Christians, Jains, Buddhists and Parses. National integration is possible here only when each community live peacefully together, appreciate other community, love people of other community and respect culture and tradition of others, essay on national integration. People from each community should observe their fairs, festivals and other great essay on national integration peacefully.
Each community should help each other and share essay on national integration celebration of religious festivals.
Any religious community should not do anything bad which is banned or prohibited essay on national integration other religious community. People of different religions speak different languages like Hindi, English, essay on national integration, Urdu, Oriya, Bengali, Assamese, Gujarati, Marathi, essay on national integration, Punjabi, etc. There should be equality among people of all religions and same facility for students of all castes, essay on national integration.
National integration in India is an immediate need in the modern time to bring equality among people of all races and equal growth and development of all communities for the ultimate development of the country. Indian government has founded the Council of National Integration in the hope that people living here would co-operate in fulfilling the purpose of its all programmes, essay on national integration.
National integration is one combining group of all the people living of the nation to make a single identity. National integration is a particular sentiment which binds people together into one common bond of nation without noticing the religion, caste, background or language.
We should identify ourselves as people of India not as from particular religion or caste. India is a big country having vast population of various creed and castes. It is a heritage rich country however we cannot say it a country having unity of people. It is possible through the huge awareness of the youths of the country. As a youth, we are the future of our country so we should fully understand our responsibility towards our nation and do all the required activities needed for the national integration.
National integration refers to the feeling of oneness and unity among the citizens of a country. It is the recognition of being one despite the difference in caste, creed, colour and religion. National integration is extremely essential to maintain peace and prosperity of a country. A country where people live in harmony with each other stands far better prospects of growth and development compared to one where people lack unity.
Government must take initiatives to invoke and promote the feeling of oneness among citizens. National integration is of utmost importance for any nation. It helps in bringing people closer and promotes peace and harmony in the society. It is the basis of a peaceful nation. The government must take it as its duty to ensure national integrity in order to give a safe and secure environment to the citizens.
Only when the individuals feel safe can they prosper and grow. It is thus essential for the overall development of a nation. Many third world countries including India have not been able to come at par with the first world nations due to lack of national integration.
People in these countries are so engrossed in pulling each other down that they do not understand that they are barring their own growth in the event. They keep fighting for their petty issues and are unable to look at the bigger picture. They lack the capacity of viewing the nation as a whole. A handful of such people instigate those around them and form groups thereby promoting hatred among people which is a threat to national integration which in turn is a threat to the peace and harmony of the country.
The government must intervene here and sensitize people about the need essay on national integration do away with the feeling of hatred and contribute towards national integration.
However, the government of many such nations often neglects and overlooks this issue thereby giving rise to disintegration.
It happens to be the birth anniversary of Indira Gandhi, the first woman Prime Minister of the country. The entire week starting 19 th November and ending 25 th November has been dedicated to national integration of the country. It is called the National Integration Week or the Qaumi Ekta Week. The introduction of National Integration Week by the government of India is an attempt to promote brotherhood and oneness among the citizens of the country.
Several events are organized to celebrate this week. National Integration Camp, National Youth Festival and Inter State Youth Exchange Programme are among some of the events conducted to rejoice this week and encourage unity among the people of our country.
Short Essay/Paragraph writing on National Integration in English - Paragraph writing in English
, time: 2:31Essay on National integration for Children and Students

· Importance of National Integration Essay Conclusion. National integration is an influential agenda and plays a vital role in the development of a nation. There is a more substantial need for the same, and the Government also make several attempts to promote the sense of equality and national integration among all the citizens. The article contains essays on the importance of national Mahatma Gandhi Essay. Causes of National Integration: 1. Casteism: This is a major obstacle to national integration. There is a great difference in the population of different religions and castes in India. Followers of the appropriate caste or religion consider themselves superior to those who believe in other religions or castes. These biases are so ugly and narrow that · National Integration Essay National integration is a feeling of oneness and togetherness by the citizens of a nation. It is very important for the citizens to live in harmony and for the progress of the nation. Father of the nation Mahatma Gandhi had also stressed on national integration as he knew its importance in fighting with the blogger.comted Reading Time: 9 mins
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