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Ontological argument essay

Ontological argument essay

ontological argument essay

Jun 28,  · Strengths of the Ontological Argument. The main strength of Anselm’s argument is showing that the concept of God is not illogical, though explaining that everyone, even a non-believer must have a concept of God in the mind and because of this have a concept of God existing in reality. By definition, God cannot exist in the mind alone, as “no greater can be Mar 09,  · Anselm's Ontological Argument and Gaunilo's Response Essay This essay aims to outline the Ontological Argument, proposed by Anselm of Canterbury, to prove the existence of God (in particular the Christian God). It also discusses Gaunilo’s objection to the ontological argument with the use of the “Lost Island” analogy Ontological Argument. Tutors and online course available now. Tutoring and Online Course for A level students, with both content and training in A grade writing skills. More info. Praise for Peped “I’m just so grateful without your site I would have crumbled this year” SC (Teacher)

Essay - Ontological Argument - Philosophical Investigations

According to the argument, there is no need to wander around looking for physical evidence of the existence of God; we ontological argument essay easily work out that he exists just by thinking about it. Ontological argument purports to be an a priori proof of the existence of God. The argument was ontological argument essay proposed by St Anselm of Canterbury in the 11 th century.

His main aim was to refute claims by some people that God does not exist. In his view, the atheist is not just mistaken but internally inconsistent.

St Anselm in his proposition of the ontological argument claimed to have derived the existence of God from the concept of being than which no greater can be conceived. He reasoned that, in case such a being ontological argument essay to exist, then a greater being —namely, a being than which no greater can be conceived, and which exists- can be conceived. However, this would be absurd in that, nothing can be greater than a being than which no greater can be conceived.

Thus, a being than which no greater can be conceived- ontological argument essay. God exists, ontological argument essay. The ontological argument asserts that that idea by some people that God does not exist is just as absurd as the idea that a four-sided triangle does.

According to the argument, we can easily tell that the claim that God does not exist is false without having to look into it in any detail, ontological argument essay. The claim that God does not exist is self contradictory. The argument further points out that, to call something that is not all-powerful God would be like calling a shape that does not have three sides a triangle, which would not make any sense.

According to the ontological argument, God is perfect and all-powerful. If something is perfect, then it could not possibly be better than it is, there cannot be anything better than perfection. If we think of God as perfect, then we must think of God as a being that cannot be imagined to be better than it is.

It is therefore, ontological argument essay, impossible to conceive either of there being anything much greater than God or of it being possible to imagine God being better than he already is. Despite several people having supported the Ontological argument, it has also received its fair share of criticisms. For instance, Immanuel Kant, in his Critique of Pure Reason claims that ontological arguments are vitiated by their reliance upon the implicit assumption that existence is more of a predicate.

However, as Bertrand Russel observed, it is much easier to be convinced that ontological arguments are no good than it is to say exactly what is wrong with them. This helps in explaining the reason why ontological arguments have fascinated many philosophers for over a thousand years. According to another critic, Gaunilo of Marmoutiers, using the analogy of a perfect island, he suggested that the ontological argument could be used in proving the existence of anything, ontological argument essay.

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Ontological Argument

ontological argument essay

Nov 27,  · The Ontological argument is an argument for God’s existence based entirely on reason. According to the argument, there is no need to wander around looking for physical evidence of the existence of God; we can easily work out that he exists just by thinking about it. Ontological argument purports to be an a priori proof of the existence of blogger.comted Reading Time: 7 mins Ontological Argument. Tutors and online course available now. Tutoring and Online Course for A level students, with both content and training in A grade writing skills. More info. Praise for Peped “I’m just so grateful without your site I would have crumbled this year” SC (Teacher) Mar 09,  · Anselm's Ontological Argument and Gaunilo's Response Essay This essay aims to outline the Ontological Argument, proposed by Anselm of Canterbury, to prove the existence of God (in particular the Christian God). It also discusses Gaunilo’s objection to the ontological argument with the use of the “Lost Island” analogy

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