· Essay on Kashmir. Our country comprises beautiful and scenic mountain ranges, lakes, valleys, islands, scenic landscapes, tall buildings standing out in metropolitan cities, the lesser known suburban regions, the lush green lands in the interiors of villages, historical monuments, palaces, religious centers, heritage sites and the list goes blogger.comted Reading Time: 8 mins Essay on Kashmir: Here is your Essay on Kashmir. ‘Kashmiri’ is a wider term. It consists of numerous ethnic and cultural groups. Though living and scattered in different parts of the state, their major concentration lies in the Valley of Kashmir, Bhadarwah, Doda, Kishtwar, Banihal, and Ramban Tehsils of Estimated Reading Time: 5 mins Essay on “Kashmir” ( Words) Article shared by. The word ‘ Kashmir’ is derived from the Sanskrit word meaning Land of Kashyap. Rishi Kashyap was one of the Saptarishis who was a Saraswat Brahmin and formalized the ancient Historical Vedic Religion. His descendants or the Kashmiri Pandits as they are commonly known named the valley in his blogger.comted Reading Time: 5 mins
Essay on Kashmir: Here is your Essay on Kashmir
Kashmir has extensive natural beauty, with unique places and traits. Since the creation of Pakistan inthe Kashmir, is the issue that has always been a point of central disagreement. Jammu and Kashmir have a long history linked with both countries. Pakistan and India are two independent nations and Kashmir is the major conflict between them. There have been several wars fought between India and Pakistan over the Kashmir issue, essay on kashmir. The essay writing Pakistan service explains the topic in depth by giving insights on wars over Kashmir.
Pakistan and India clashed over Kashmir right after partition; at that time Hindu king, Maharaja Hari Singh ruled the Muslim majority state. On October 26,Maharaja decided and announced to join India by ignoring the beliefs of the majority of people and succession of the state. In order to liberate Kashmir from India, Pakistan tribesmen launched an armed struggle, which includes local Kashmiris.
India fought back with its regular forces to control the situation. As the unease increased government of Pakistan have to act as an intermediary and sent its troops, essay on kashmir, and the first war between India and Pakistan over Kashmir took place. The second war over Kashmir issue took place in September In contrast with the first war, this war had a different background and essay on kashmir reason was that China defeated India in On the other side, Pakistan had improved its military after receiving western military hardware and ultimately secured control over India in The election of triggered the war.
The Awami League clean swept the elections by winning majority seats in East Pakistan, essay on kashmir. The supporters of the Awami League turned to violence and created a revolt situation in the country for not getting their powers transferred by as per the initial announcement. The central government fight back by imposing a military crackdown to end the rebellion disturbance. India intervened that slipped the situation out of control and after result third war between India and Pakistan.
India win a victory over and Pakistan suffered a loss of its eastern wingand India made more than 90, soldiers prisoner. May to July is marked for the Kargil conflict, the conflict constricted to a small geographical area.
At the global levelthe Kargil war had great attentionas it was the main factor of the nuclear exchange. The Kargil conflict immersed the diplomatic gains and goodwill was created when Indian Prime MinisterAtal Bihari Vajpayee visited Lahore in February As international attention is drawn away from Indian violation of humans rights to cross-border intrusion by Pakistan.
It was considered that Kargil adventure damaged the Kashmir cause. Kashmir issue has been a central point essay on kashmir several UN resolutions and internationally recognized sincethis issue has implications for global peace and security. Every year there are several books got published about the dispute and every book has its own dimension about it which later added in Kashmir bibliography. At the time of no technological advancement, the media plays a role in resolving the issue.
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Essay on Kashmir Issue. First War on Kashmir: Pakistan and India clashed over Kashmir right after partition; at that time Hindu king, Maharaja Hari Singh ruled the Muslim majority essay on kashmir. Second War on Kashmir: The second war over Kashmir issue took place in September Third War on Kashmir War The election essay on kashmir triggered the war. India win a victory over and Pakistan suffered a loss of its eastern wingand India made essay on kashmir than 90, soldiers prisoner Fourth War on Kashmir Kargil War May to July is marked for the Kargil conflict, the conflict constricted to a small geographical area.
At the global levelthe Kargil war had great attentionas it was the main factor of the nuclear essay on kashmir The Kargil conflict immersed the diplomatic gains and goodwill was created when Indian Prime MinisterAtal Bihari Vajpayee visited Lahore in February Related posts.
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Essay on “Kashmir” ( Words) Article shared by. The word ‘ Kashmir’ is derived from the Sanskrit word meaning Land of Kashyap. Rishi Kashyap was one of the Saptarishis who was a Saraswat Brahmin and formalized the ancient Historical Vedic Religion. His descendants or the Kashmiri Pandits as they are commonly known named the valley in his blogger.comted Reading Time: 5 mins · Essay on Kashmir. Our country comprises beautiful and scenic mountain ranges, lakes, valleys, islands, scenic landscapes, tall buildings standing out in metropolitan cities, the lesser known suburban regions, the lush green lands in the interiors of villages, historical monuments, palaces, religious centers, heritage sites and the list goes blogger.comted Reading Time: 8 mins Essay on Kashmir: Here is your Essay on Kashmir. ‘Kashmiri’ is a wider term. It consists of numerous ethnic and cultural groups. Though living and scattered in different parts of the state, their major concentration lies in the Valley of Kashmir, Bhadarwah, Doda, Kishtwar, Banihal, and Ramban Tehsils of Estimated Reading Time: 5 mins
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