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Oct 08, · The death penalty puts the scales of justice back in balance after they were unfairly tipped towards the blogger.com morality of the death penalty has been hotly debated for many years. Those opposed to the death penalty say that it is immoral for the government to take the life of a citizen under any circumstance Different opinions are there in America both in favour and against death penalty. Critics of death penalty, including religious leaders are of the view that death penalty is a morally and ethically wrong act. In their opinion, only the creator has the authority to put an end to his creations The Cons of the Death Penalty Essay. Words2 Pages. The Cons of the Death Penalty. “ Over people were falsely convicted and 35 faced death for crimes that they did not commit ” (Johnson). The death penalty is an ineffective and expensive way of dealing justice to the American people
Death Penalty: pros and cons of capital punishment Essay Sample, Words, 2 Pages | Studyfy
This sample is NOT ORIGINAL. Even though America is one of the most civilised countries in the world, death penalty death penalty cons essay capital punishment is still prevailing in America. Different opinions are there in America both in favour and against death penalty. Critics of death penalty, including religious leaders are of the view that death penalty is a morally and ethically wrong act. In their opinion, only the creator has the authority to put an end to his creations, death penalty cons essay.
Moreover, it is impossible to give the life back to a person after his execution, even if the he found to be innocent later. At the same time, supporters of death penalty are of the view death penalty is necessary in order to save the lives of innocent people. In their opinion, Osama or Saddam like hard-core criminals were big threats to the lives of thousands of innocent people across the world and therefore giving capital punishment to such people are unavoidable.
This paper argues in favour of death penalty after analysing both pros and cons of death penalty. A heavy focus on either of them may have detrimental effect on American society Ferdic et al,p. It is the duty of the government and Criminal justice system to ensure the safety and security of the public. At the same time it is the duty of the society and the criminal justice system to correct death penalty cons essay deviant behaviours of the criminal.
However, in some death penalty cons essay cases, it is difficult for the criminal justice system to ensure enough protection to the lives of innocent people without capital punishment. For example, Osama and Saddam like criminals will never rectify their criminal behaviour if the criminal justice system sentence them for a particular period and release them after that for their past criminal activities.
Under such circumstances, death penalty is unavoidable. The relevance of an action should be evaluated based on its utility, death penalty cons essay. In other words, if the execution of one person saves the lives of many people, there is no point in arguing against death penalty. Life is precious for everyone, death penalty cons essay. Nobody, including the criminal has the right to take the lives of others since it is impossible for a person to return a life he has taken, either deliberately or accidently.
Even if thousands of criminals were escaped, no innocent people should be punished which is the death penalty cons essay objective of criminal justice system in America. At the same time, criminal justice system should have the responsibility that no hard-core criminal escape from punishment using the loopholes of criminal justice system. Many people are of the view that instead of giving death penalty, it is better to keep the criminal in prisons during his entire life span.
Such people are of the opinion that death penalty is an expensive act than other means of punishment and therefore life term in prisons should be considered. The above argument seems to be logical in my opinion. The ultimate aim of any form of punishment is correction and protection. It is illogical to think that a hard-core criminal like Osama may change his opinions and behaviours because of life imprisonment.
At the same time, death penalty cons essay, such life terms in jail can ensure the protection of lives of innocent people. However, in the long run, the possibility of release or escape of such criminals cannot be ruled out.
If that happens, life imprisonment may not become effective. Death penalty is the ultimate way of punishment. Even though, death penalty seems to be a harsh punishment, it should be noted that in countries where death penalty is enforced, crime rates are much more less than other countries. The lives of innocent people are more important than the lives of the criminals. In short, death penalty should be continued in America in order to keep the crime rates under check.
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For more help, tap into our pool of professional writers and get expert essay editing services! Edit my Essay. Life is Precious. Death and Justice: How Capital Punishment Affirms Life. The Death Penalty — An American History. Is Death Penalty Effective? Find Free Essays. We provide you with original essay samples, perfect formatting and styling. Popular Topics. A Rose for Emily American Dream Animal Rights Argumentative Civil War Cold War Compare and Contrast Cyberbullying Death Penalty Educational Goals Family George Washington Great Depression Great Gatsby Gun Control Homelessness Death penalty cons essay Macbeth Management Marijuana Legislation Martin Luther King Minimum Wage Nature vs Nurture Overpopulation Persuasive Police Brutality Romeo and Juliet Rose Parks School Uniform Slavery Stress Teenage Pregnancy The Story of an Hour Water Pollution Who Am I.
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Death Penalty Essay
, time: 2:19The Death Penalty: Pros and Cons Free Essay Example
Oct 08, · The death penalty puts the scales of justice back in balance after they were unfairly tipped towards the blogger.com morality of the death penalty has been hotly debated for many years. Those opposed to the death penalty say that it is immoral for the government to take the life of a citizen under any circumstance Apr 21, · Some of the biggest issues with the death penalty are: social safety, family members of victims. This paper will evaluate the death penalty based on social safety and family members of victims to show that it should exist. The meanings of the death penalty in social safety. The death penalty is a deterrent penalty Different opinions are there in America both in favour and against death penalty. Critics of death penalty, including religious leaders are of the view that death penalty is a morally and ethically wrong act. In their opinion, only the creator has the authority to put an end to his creations
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